My Self

My Self
Even the nicest person's patience has a limit.

Monday 29 October 2012

Disadvantages of Cell Phones

Disadvantages of Cell Phones

Almost every adult has a cell phone, and so do many children. 

The tele-density for mobile phone subscribers in Pakistan has reached 68.2% with 118,316,916 users, as compared to 67.2% a month ago; adding 2.1 million subscribers (2,107,176 subscribers to be exact) in March 2012, said a report by Pro Pakistani. 

  • According to latest stats issued by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), at the end of March 2012 Mobilink telecom company remained the market leader with 35.8 million subscribers,
  •  followed by Telenor, still at second position with 29.35 million subscribers.
  •  Ufone was on the third position and had 23.1 million subscribers,   
  •  followed closely by Zong that contented with 15.66 million subscribers to stand fourth. 
  • Warid cleaned up another 296,510 subscribers in March 2012, ending the month with 14.40 million subscribers.
  • In March, Zong and Ufone added 711,609 and 697,388 new subscribers respectively. Telenor added just over half a million new subscribers, while Mobilink was able to grab 491,321 subscribers. Zong, once again, led the new subscription race for the month. Warid is apparently keeping up with the process of cleaning the data and reported a negative addition of 296,510 subscribers in the month.

  1. Within only a few years a substantial proportion of the world’s population has adopted a new technology that involves placing a small radio transmitter up against the head, in some instances for hours a day "
  2. "Cell phones transmit and receive Radio Frequency (RF) signals in order to communicate. The RF signals from cell phones fall within the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This radiation is also referred to as microwave radiation or electromagnetic radiation. In short: Cell phones use microwave radiation to communicate."
  3. "Consequently, our landscapes and cities are covered by ‘base stations’ that relay the microwave signals used for communication. Both the base stations and the cell phones emit microwave radiation."
  4. "In the last twenty years, the US has adopted cell phones as a integral part of everyday life; 223 million people have started using personal cell devices that emit microwave radiation. In order to make this work, there are at least 126,000 cell phone towers that also emit microwave radiation."    

  "Could this microwave radiation have a negative impact on our health ?  

  1. Microwaves can be harmful to humans, the most obvious harmful effect is heating: warming up your food in the microwave is an everyday example of heating through microwaves.
  2. Consequently, safety standards have been established to limit the microwave radiation exposure from cell phones and base stations. This section will explain why the established safety standards are limited and do not protect your health.
  3. However, the safety standards only protect from the heating effect of the microwave radiation, also called the ‘thermal effect’. If the microwave radiation does not cause a temperature increase in your head of more than one degree, the microwave exposure is deemed to be safe. The underlying assumption is that there cannot be cell damage without heating. And without cell damage, there is no health risk.
  4. The ‘no damage without heating’-theory can be considered old and backward. Many research studies have shown that non-heating, or non-thermal, microwave radiation has a profoundly negative effect on the human body.
  5. A 2003 study by Prof. Salford et al for example, established for the first time evidence for neurological damage caused by non-thermal microwave exposure
  6. Furthermore, cell phones are not allowed in hospitals and on airplanes due to the concern that the microwave radiation might interfere with the electronics.
  7. It does not make sense to acknowledge that there might be interference on sensitive electronic equipment due to the microwaves, but exclude the possibility that these same microwaves might have an impact on our body. After all, the human body is an extremely sensitive electrochemical instrument that uses various wave-based electrical processes (e.g. brain waves), each characterized by a specific frequency.
  8. Concluding, the current safety standards for microwave radiation emitted by cell phones only take thermal heating into account: microwave radiation is considered to be safe if your body temperature does not increase by more than one degree. The non-thermal effects are not taken into account, making the ‘safety standards’ a mockery of public health.
  9. New standards should be developed in order to protect the public from the possible health consequences of exposure to microwave radiation.

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