My Self

My Self
Even the nicest person's patience has a limit.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

How to Lose Your Belly Fat Quickly and Naturally

How to Lose Your Belly Fat Quickly and Naturally 
One of the biggest questions I get is "how do I lose my belly fat? I've tried several things but nothing worked". When I ask what you tried I hear 100 daily sit-ups, cutting calories drastically, excess cardio, fat burners, etc.
If you can't lose your belly fat, you're using the wrong approach. You don't need endless sit-ups, supplements, starving yourself or worse surgery. 
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Here are the 10 best ways to lose your belly fat - quickly and naturally.
1. Stop Doing Crunches. Crunches will strengthen your stomach muscles, but won't burn the belly fat that covers your abs. Spot reduction is a myth. You're wasting time & effort doing 200 daily crunches.
Crunches can also cause lower back pain, slouching shoulders & forward head posture. The Reverse Crunch doesn't cause these problems, but again: spot reduction is a myth. To lose your belly fat, you need more. Keep reading.

2. Get Stronger. Strength training builds muscle mass, prevents muscle loss and helps fat loss. The Squat & Deadlift work best to build strength.

  •  Your lower back keeps you upright from the back. Your abs from the front. Both muscles will work hard during heavy Squats & Deadlifts at keeping you from collapsing under the weight.
  • Squats & Deadlifts allow you to stress your body with heavy weights, working all your muscles from head to toe. This helps getting stronger quickly and building muscle fast, including ab muscles.
Spot reduction still doesn't exist, so Squats & Deadlifts won't burn your belly fat directly. However they'll strengthen your abs and lower your waist size. If you never did both exercises, check StrongLifts 5x5. Only takes 3x45mins/week.

3. Eat Healthy. As the saying goes “abs are built in the kitchen”. You can train hard & build muscular abs, but if you eat junk food all day, you won't lose your belly fat. Stop eating processed food. Eat whole, unprocessed foods.

  • Proteins. Meat, poultry, fish, whey, eggs, cottage cheese, …
  • Veggies. Spinach, broccoli, salad, kale, cabbage, …
  • Fruits. Banana, orange, apple, pineapple, peers, ...
  • Fats. Olive oil, fish oil, real butter, nuts, flax seeds, … 
  • Carbs. Brown rice, oats, whole grain pasta, quinoa, …
No need to be perfect. Eating junk food actually helps fat loss by keeping your hormones sharp. Don't overdo it though. Eat junk food 10% of the time max. That's 4 junk meals/week if you eat 6 meals/day.

4. Limit Alcohol Consumption. To lose your belly fat, what you drink is as important as what you eat. Alcohol from time to time is OK. But forget about losing your belly fat if you drink beer & sweet alcohols daily.

Beer drinkers always have a peer shape: belly fat & man boobs - especially as they get older. Alcohol also stresses your liver which has to overwork to clear the toxins. This can get in the way of building muscles.
Drink alcohol 10% of the time. Example Friday & Saturday night. Normal alcohol consumption, not the get drunk. Rest of the time: water, water with squeezed lemon, green tea, etc. Either that or forget about losing your belly fat.

5. Eat Less Carbs. You need carbs for energy. Problem is that most people eat way more carbs than they need. Your body will stock the carbs it doesn't need as fat. And this is often how you get belly fat.

Unless you're a skinny guy who needs to gain weight, lower your carb intake. Keep eating fruits & veggies with each meal. But cut back on potatoes, pasta, rice, breads, ... Eat these post workout only.

6. Eat More. Eating tons of healthy foods won't make you fat. Especially not if you exercise 2-3x/week. Starving yourself is the number 1 nutritional mistakes. Healthy nutrition is important for 3 reasons:

  • Energy. Food is energy. Your body uses food for weight lifting, working, digestion, etc. Lack of food means lack of energy, in all areas of life.
  • Fat Loss. Eating the right foods helps fat loss: protein has the highest thermic effect and satiates, healthy fats promote fat loss, ...
  • Maintain Muscle. If you starve yourself, your body will burn muscle for energy - NOT fat. You'll become skinny + fat.
Hunger means you're not eating enough. Don't worry about calories. Just eat breakfast and eat every 3 hours from there on, including post workout. Eat healthy foods 90% of the time to lose your belly fat fast.

7. Eat More Protein. Protein has a higher thermic effect than other foods: your body burns more energy processing proteins than it does processing carbs and fat. That's why high protein diets work great at burning your belly fat.

How much protein do you need daily? Do like I do: eat whole protein with each meal without worrying about the numbers. Check the 10 cheapest sources of protein to keep it budget-friendly.

8. Eat More Fat. Fat doesn't make you fat. Bad nutrition and lack of exercise do. Eating fat actually helps fat loss. Your body won't stock fat as easily if your give it a constant intake of healthy fats.

Fish oil is the best source of fat to lose your belly fat. Fish oil naturally increases testosterone levels and increases fat loss. 6g omega-3 per day is a good start. Check Carlson Fish Oil: 1600mg omega-3 per tbsp.
Stay away from trans-fatty fats present in products like margarine. Trans-fatty fats are bad for your health. Eat whole unprocessed foods 90% of the time as I recommend in point 3 and you'll avoid trans-fatty fats easily.

9. Lower Your Body Fat. As a man, your belly is the last place where you'll get rid of fat. If you have man boobs and a double chin, you'll have to lower your body fat to lose your belly fat. Here's how:

  • Get Stronger. Strength training builds & maintains muscle, increases fat loss, helps sticking to diet, ... Check StrongLifts 5x5 if you don't know where to start: it only takes 3x45mins/week.
  • Eat Healthier. Apply the 8 nutrition rules. Eat breakfast. Eat every 3 hours. Proteins, veggies & fruits with each meal. Carbs post workout only. 2 cups of water with each meal. Whole foods 90% of the time.
  • Add Cardio. 15mins post workout, build up to 3x45mins/week. If you have less than 15% body fat, just get stronger and eat healthier. That will lower your body fat and make you lose your belly fat.
Check the fat loss guide for more info about how to lower your body fat.

10. Stay Motivated. Looking at your belly or in the mirror gives you inaccurate feedback. What you see is influenced by food intake, water retention, light and your own perception. Self-image issues can make the last one tricky.Measure Body Fat. Every 2 weeks using a fat caliper. It doesn't need to be accurate. What matters is that the trend goes down.

  • Measure Your Waist. Also every 2 weeks. If you get stronger and eat healthy, your waist will go down fast. Your pants will start to feel loose. 
  • Take Pictures. Shoot pictures of yourself every 2 weeks: front, back & side. The side pictures will show the most change.
Success breeds success. Track progress accurately so you know where you are and stay motivated to keep working at losing your belly fat. Don't just read this post and go back to what you were doing. Take action. Lose your belly fat.

Monday 29 October 2012

Disadvantages of Cell Phones

Disadvantages of Cell Phones

Almost every adult has a cell phone, and so do many children. 

The tele-density for mobile phone subscribers in Pakistan has reached 68.2% with 118,316,916 users, as compared to 67.2% a month ago; adding 2.1 million subscribers (2,107,176 subscribers to be exact) in March 2012, said a report by Pro Pakistani. 

  • According to latest stats issued by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), at the end of March 2012 Mobilink telecom company remained the market leader with 35.8 million subscribers,
  •  followed by Telenor, still at second position with 29.35 million subscribers.
  •  Ufone was on the third position and had 23.1 million subscribers,   
  •  followed closely by Zong that contented with 15.66 million subscribers to stand fourth. 
  • Warid cleaned up another 296,510 subscribers in March 2012, ending the month with 14.40 million subscribers.
  • In March, Zong and Ufone added 711,609 and 697,388 new subscribers respectively. Telenor added just over half a million new subscribers, while Mobilink was able to grab 491,321 subscribers. Zong, once again, led the new subscription race for the month. Warid is apparently keeping up with the process of cleaning the data and reported a negative addition of 296,510 subscribers in the month.

  1. Within only a few years a substantial proportion of the world’s population has adopted a new technology that involves placing a small radio transmitter up against the head, in some instances for hours a day "
  2. "Cell phones transmit and receive Radio Frequency (RF) signals in order to communicate. The RF signals from cell phones fall within the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This radiation is also referred to as microwave radiation or electromagnetic radiation. In short: Cell phones use microwave radiation to communicate."
  3. "Consequently, our landscapes and cities are covered by ‘base stations’ that relay the microwave signals used for communication. Both the base stations and the cell phones emit microwave radiation."
  4. "In the last twenty years, the US has adopted cell phones as a integral part of everyday life; 223 million people have started using personal cell devices that emit microwave radiation. In order to make this work, there are at least 126,000 cell phone towers that also emit microwave radiation."    

  "Could this microwave radiation have a negative impact on our health ?  

  1. Microwaves can be harmful to humans, the most obvious harmful effect is heating: warming up your food in the microwave is an everyday example of heating through microwaves.
  2. Consequently, safety standards have been established to limit the microwave radiation exposure from cell phones and base stations. This section will explain why the established safety standards are limited and do not protect your health.
  3. However, the safety standards only protect from the heating effect of the microwave radiation, also called the ‘thermal effect’. If the microwave radiation does not cause a temperature increase in your head of more than one degree, the microwave exposure is deemed to be safe. The underlying assumption is that there cannot be cell damage without heating. And without cell damage, there is no health risk.
  4. The ‘no damage without heating’-theory can be considered old and backward. Many research studies have shown that non-heating, or non-thermal, microwave radiation has a profoundly negative effect on the human body.
  5. A 2003 study by Prof. Salford et al for example, established for the first time evidence for neurological damage caused by non-thermal microwave exposure
  6. Furthermore, cell phones are not allowed in hospitals and on airplanes due to the concern that the microwave radiation might interfere with the electronics.
  7. It does not make sense to acknowledge that there might be interference on sensitive electronic equipment due to the microwaves, but exclude the possibility that these same microwaves might have an impact on our body. After all, the human body is an extremely sensitive electrochemical instrument that uses various wave-based electrical processes (e.g. brain waves), each characterized by a specific frequency.
  8. Concluding, the current safety standards for microwave radiation emitted by cell phones only take thermal heating into account: microwave radiation is considered to be safe if your body temperature does not increase by more than one degree. The non-thermal effects are not taken into account, making the ‘safety standards’ a mockery of public health.
  9. New standards should be developed in order to protect the public from the possible health consequences of exposure to microwave radiation.

+92 300 3890200

Sunday 28 October 2012


Sums me up-->                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A loner but an entertainer to my friends. I like to meet new people and I love a strong conversation over coffee. A conservative but open to other people's opinions and beliefs. I'm compassionate about what's important to me. I have a deep passion for politics and I'm a tremendous news freak (dang the apps on my tablet and on my Apple ipad). I love long strolls at night and I'm spiritual (no doubt He reigns beside me at all times). I have lived and I have learned a lot in my life. I believe we should never regret our past, but instead recognize it. We can be changed by our past and mistakes but it is a part of who we are. I have had my heart broken, as I'm sure I have broken some. I have had my feelings disregarded, as I am sure I have trampled on others without the intent. At times I have never been understood, as I am sure I have never understood someone else at some point. I personally do not believe apologies are needed. If we seek out or demand an apology, it is like we cannot move forward in our life until someone apologizes for what they did or did not do. Why live your life on pause until you receive an apology? The apology is weighed and then debated first. Then, we decide if we accept it or not. It is much easier to just move on and forgive. The most powerful ingredient in life is forgiveness. Leave the apologies unmentioned and unheard!!! I spent a long time trying to become the person everyone wanted me to be, all the while desperately denying the person I actually was. I lived in absolute fear of my feelings, desires & thought that by ignoring them, I could make them go away. That of course just made those feelings grow stronger, combined with the shame & guilt of the life I was trying so hard to hide & deny. Finally I realized & faced the real me. And in doing so, my whole world opened up. No more fear, no more guilt, no more shame. No more hating myself for things that are totally beyond my control. It's been a long road and I'm still on it, but life now is so much better. I'm finally the man I was always meant to be. My heroes are the people who are present. Those who are in the moment & strive to be greater & grow as humans. They aren't afraid of vulnerability & to love. I believe that using each problem that comes our way to “prove” that life is hard & we are helpless is the VICTIM TRAP. Life is awesome. We don’t have to “awfulize” it. Life IS challenging. It’s all part of the package. We are NOT victims of life... We may have all the legitimate reasons for being bitter, however, that gives none of us the right to take it out on someone else. We exclude ourselves from genuine, original experiences by making someone else responsible for all the wrongs done to us. Ultimately, faith is a walk-a journey towards a greater understanding. It is not possible to prove God's existence, but that cannot be the standard for belief. After all, it is equally impossible to prove He doesn't exist. In the end, whether you believe or don't believe, your position is based on faith. Surrendering oneself to an Almighty is a challenge to your own ego...I never understand why it has to be such a challenge. In my belief, what I do know is.....God has given free will to each person, in perfectly equitable manner, respecting man's ability to choose HIS OWN path, so a government made MUST permit a person the freedom to succeed or fail, to prosper or to flounder, and to account for his OWN life when he faces God at the end of his earthly journey. Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for YOU; Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
Its All About Me

                                   Its All About Me